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Vacuum chuck tables for warped and thin large diameter wafer

Vacuum chuck tables for warped and thin large diameter wafer 

Semicondoncutor wafers are growing larger and larger and they are getting thiner and thiner ,the shapes of wafers are not always stable, this is particuluarly true for wafer flatness which is crucial qualtiy wise and production yield in many processes of semiconductor manufacturing , the wafers might be warped ,bowed ,crooked ,all these need to be ironed out before it is processed.

CERAMERIC SEMIXICON is the world leader in wafer chuck table design and mafucturing for decades , with decades of  industrial knowhow and rich experience ,we have multiple ways and mature designes widely and successfully employed world wide,our wafer vacuum chuck tables and apparatus are integared in almost all major semiconductor equipment makers and top tier fabs ...

One stop solutions for all your wafer chucking needes,always customize ,never fails.